The Let's Play Archive

Silent Hill: Mobile

by Choco1980

Part 10: Scenario One: Vincent Part 2

Silent Hill Mobile 3 Scenario One: Vincent--Part Two

That's right, the LP is still limping along. The LP curse appears to be popping my cherry, as the past month has been full of (still ongoing) major health screw-ups, including a time in-hospital, and also the extra special flavor of having a major vision imparement pop up, making reading and writing all the more delightful. Oh well, not your problem, so let's motor on, shall we?

If you recall from last time, Vincent found himself inside a spooky mansion with our old friend Alessa goading him around, and him occassionally getting flashbacks from his time with his overbearing dad that wanted him to be a firefighter. Then we solved a puzzle and made a portal to the Otherworld. There's really nothing else going on in this room, so let's head out-

Who's there?!?


It is... it is like someone was talking into my head!!

I..I... BEN...

Wait, what?

What the...? Is that monter talking?

Ben... I... Ben... I... Help...

Don't approach me you bloody monster!!!

So yeah. The monsters in this game are full grown zombies. And as this dialogue suggests, it's inferred that our past protagonists that have fallen are within their ranks. The combat mostly resembles the combat of the past, with our simple crowbar aiming for a target, then making another target close in (that I can't quite figure out what it's for. Bonus damage? ) It's as clumsy as ever, and one of the zombies slashes at you, it takes 5% of our health. Remember, apparently our supplies are limited this time. Anyways, let's move on. Most of the rooms have very little extra to do from last time, however in most cases the design team decided to spook up the place more. I know it's going to be a long trip, but if I had to go through it, I'm taking you all with me. Like for example, in the office next to us:

Numbers are written in blood...But it is unintelligible.

Like I said, not much. Oh, and every room has the blood superemposed all over the walls. Next we move to the bedroom across from the office.

There are some strange guys on that photo...

Anything else in here Vinnie?

Flames surrounding a damaged window.

Well way to react appropriately to that one. Meanwhile, the rest of the rooms on this floor are locked. Let's go explore the initial section next. And in the room we started in?

That's crazy... The heads of pictures are coming out!

It sure is crazy. Kinda reminds me of Lucas at the end of the last game, before you killed him. Also, those curtains look weird, mind taking a glance?

Yuck, that's disgusting... Curtains made out of flesh.

Yup, fine interior decorator. And now I confess to you that I might have stretched the truth a moment ago, because everywhere else on this side of the first floor and up on the third is pretty much the exact same, only with blood stains all over. No new dialogue, nothing. So let's skip ahead to where the elevator takes us back downstairs. First naturally, we do our top to bottom routine and go to the bedroom that had a suit rack in it.


There is a corpse underneath all these clothes...

Yeah, we can totally see that. Stop beating around the bush.

There is something shiny in that cocoon... I can't put my hand inside it... I need to attact it... If only I had some kind of magnet...

You mean like the one we got out of the bathtub on the chain? It works like a charm and we get the Red Pearl, which is apparently a magnetic pearl. Speaking of bathrooms, let's check out the one near us.

Looks like there's a key inside that cocoon.

To which Vincent gets a sudden burst of bravery and just takes it. That was easy. Let's head out and check-

Oh, crap. This zombie isn't any harder than Ben was, but it doesn't talk to you (Unfortunately. Wouldn't that be creepy if it was Moon or something?) anyways there's two bedrooms and a meat locker ahead of us.

Okay, this room doesn't actually have anything new flavor-text wise. However, see that little tv in the middle? That ghost face is new and I haven't seen it elsewhere. I pulses at you, and Vincent says nothing, but I thought it was a cool little detail worth sharing. Across the hall meanwhile...

Let's take a look at that painting again. You had a weird feeling about it.

The yonger one... I've already seen her before but...

This is my sister and I...

WO! You again!

She wants to kill you.

This little girl? Why?

You don't remember, right?

What the hell are you talking about?

I will help you...

Hey wait a minute who are you? Where is your sister? ...Hey! ...Respond please... She's gone again.

Mysterious. Also in this room, if you check the desk, you get a freaking Beretta pistol with 15 rounds in the clip!! Sure, we get this after those two zombies popped up. Thanks game. It is stronger than the crowbar, but again, limited ammo. Okay, let's see what's going on in the last room on this floor

This strange cocoon is hanging from the ceiling...

Yuck... A giant human shaped spider web cocoon...

Yeah, I'm sure it's just "shaped" Anyways, that's it for what we can do in the otherworld presently, so let's take a break from the land of the spiders and head back to the real world. Now, if you recall, the room next to the attic was locked. Fortunately for us, we happened to get a key recently.

Oh. It's another bedroom. Okay. It's kind of hard to see, but there's a doll sitting on the left bed.

A little dusty of it's eyes looks weird.

Because, as it turns out, it is a blue pearl, which we take.

Grid on the window... We could think that we are in a jail.

Confession time: I didn't bother to get a picture of the otherworld version of the room, it's just bloodier and the doll is strangely missing. Also, this window is the only different flavor text: "There is a grid made of flesh on the window... Awful..."

A clock glued on the wall... it stopped at 3:45.

A bed... it seems a bit damaged.

Well what's under the bed in that box?

There is lighter fluid in that box.

Aha, now we can use our lighter! Let's hurry up and go light that altar next door in the attic!

We finally meet each other.

I couldn't agree more. Now I want answers!

The only thing you have to know is that she is waiting for you in the Dining room.

Your sister is waiting for me? Why in the dinning room? (sic)

This is where you met her, 40 years ago...

40 years ago...

You have to choose well your time to enter in...

What do you mean? And how am I supposed to know what you're talking about?! No clocks seem to work anymore in this place!!

Time has stopped in this house since the accident... Don't you remember the accident? You were there! And you met my sister... Be careful! She's not human anymore...

What? ...Hey! If you're so worried about me, why don't you help me more.

I can't, this is a problem only between you and Karen.

Karen... Hey! Wait a minute! Damn it!

Curiouser and curiouser. Anyways, as Alessa says, let's go down to the Dining Room. Remember that clock outside it? We have to set it to the correct time, as Alessa suggested.

This really isn't that hard. I know you know the answer. [spoiler]The clocks in the house are all stopped at 3:45.

Is anybody there? This...this place...40 years ago... Oh no it is not possible!

You finally remember...

Who.. Who is there? Karen?

You pyromaniac man!

WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! I'm really sorry, and anyway I saved you!

That's not the problem, you started this fire and then everything happened, the orphanage, the murder of the children, Lucas... everything.


You're going to pay for everything.
